Tai Chi/ Qigong & Meditation

"By definition, Meditation refers to any of a family of practices in which the practitioner trains his or her mind, or self-induces a mode of consciousness in order to realise some benefit; to focus the mind so that all words and mental images slow down or ultimately stop."

To many people, meditation is sitting crossed legged whilst trying to still the ever-chattering mind.

So how is it possible to meditate when moving in Tai Chi?  Actually it happens in sports all the time - and is sometimes called "being in the zone". 

It is simply not recognised as a meditative state.  The sportsperson becomes so focused on an activity that it induces a calm state, a razor sharp awareness. The activity effortlessly becomes easy, as if the player is outside of the normal time frame and observing from a place rarely experienced in every day life.. awareness has expanded.

Meditation is to concentrate, or become mindful, of an object. When practicing Tai Chi or Qigong we concentrate (become aware) of the slow rhythmic movements combined with timed breathing within each exercise. In time we develop a deep feeling stillness within motion.

Beginners at our classes often comment how different they feel after a class.   Some are more relaxed, some sleep better, and some feel more energised. In many ways, as a beginner, the early stage of our practice can be very rewarding.  During the early years surface levels of stress can be easy to dissolve and this leads to some rewarding experiences. The longer we practice, the deeper we have to delve to release tensions that have built up during our lifetime. 

So.. To play Tai Chi or Qigong is to practice moving meditation, to find stillness within motion, to be 'in the zone'.

Our mantras are the moves, and our meditation cushion is a comfortable pair of Tai Chi shoes.


“Pour some water into a tub and stir it up. Now try as hard as you can to calm the water with your hands; you will succeed in agitating it further. Let it stand undisturbed a while, and it will calm down by itself. The human brain works much the same way.”
– Koichi Tohei ”Ki in Daily Life”


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